Sunday, April 13, 2014

I'm Ba-a-a-ack!

Yes, it has been four years since my last post.  For a brief time, I moved to Tucker, Georgia where I helped take care of baby granddaughters.  Those were good years, but last August I moved back to Douglasville where I also have a grandson, age 21, and a daughter, age 41.

Here's my plan:  I want to continue to write about Douglasville, Georgia, but instead of just writing about the beautiful flowers and other foliage, I want to take a broader view.  At the center of my posts will be Douglasville, of course, but this time around I wish to pull in some of my own personal interests such as my everyday life and hobbies.  I am in a new house which takes time to clean and decorate.  I still have frequent visits with granddaughters Ava and Violet, but I also knit, crochet, quilt, sew and read.

So what's new?  Many changes have taken place in Douglasville since 2009.  The economy dictated the closing of many stores and the opening of new ones.  I'm lucky, however, that my three favorite ones, Joann's Fabrics, Hobby Lobby and Michael's Craft Store, are still here and thriving.  When you can't afford to vacation, eat out or buy new cars or clothes, go to crafts for entertainment.  I think that's the message here.  I know I take advantage of coupons and discount stores more than ever.  I have even begun to use coupons displayed on my iPhone, a new for me.

In Tucker, Georgia, I was super blessed with a yard chocked full of magnolia trees, azalea bushes, a raging hydrangea bush and a camellia tree.  I rarely was without fresh flowers for displaying in the house.  In fact, here's one of the last bouquets gleaned from the yard shortly before I moved back to Douglasville.

As you can see, I'm still crazy for flowers.  So, I'm back and ready to roll again through the thoughts of one Douglasville, Georgia resident.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our granddaughter, Ava, is with us for this week, and I want so badly to share each moment of pleasure and enjoyment which is every moment we have had with Ava this week. But it is just not possible. For one thing I have worked Monday and Tuesday for 4 hours and those were 8 hours of excruciating struggle to complete my tasks for other children in order to return to Ava. But today I was rewarded handsomely. As I pulled into the driveway at 2:00, Andrew and Ava were outside and I found much compensation for the 8 hours I have spent away from her, those little tiny arms lifted upwards toward me to pull her to my body for a great big hug.
She must be the most special child on the Earth but I am sure Hope and Paige would disagree with me. But only Ava has "Badger" for a name. We marvel at her intelligence, beauty and ability to adapt to an ever changing world. Diane brought her to us in a state of unwavering sleep. She awoke with an asute appraisal of the people who smiled and preened at her. She did not smile at them until Tuesday, but when that approval came, the world opened as though Moses again had parted the Red Sea. At first she only allowed me, Grandmommy, to hold her and cuddle her and dress her and feed her but on Tuesday she deigned to allow her Granddad and her Knight in Shining Armor the pleasure of her acceptance. Were they proud? The answer is a resounding "YES!" Yesterday she napped two hours in the morning and no hours in the afternoon and so by 8:00 she was asleep, just in time for a martini and Dancing With The Stars to be enjoyed by her weary Grandmommy. Not only did she sleep at an opportune moment, she slept for 10 hours for the second night in a row. Today Grandmommy got home from work to spend hours playing with her, especially under the Japanese Magnolia tree. The game played under this tree has special significance. But now at 5:00 she has fallen asleep on the floor in front of Grandmommy's many spools of thread scattered on the floor. Who cares? Not Grandmommy! She sleeps beside her.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Flowering Trees

Douglasville, Georgia is one of the most attractive places on Earth during the spring season. Or do I just love the town for any reason? I do love the spring flowers and today I give you two examples of what we locals enjoy beginning around the middle of March.

I discovered this absolutely beautiful Bradford pear tree in a Douglasville neighborhood off of Chapel Hill Road. Unsurrounded by other trees, the purity of the white blooms makes one gasp with appreciation.

This picture does not do justice to the lovely ethereal quality of the blooms on these pink cherry trees. Many neighborhoods in Douglasville line the front entrance with the lacy and slightly rose colored trees. These sentinels of greeting make the viewers/visitors pause at least briefly to admire the plain old prettiness of the scene.

All over the city the Bradford pear and the cherry tree have been used to welcome visitors, to enhance property, and to announce the arrival of spring. Some years the blooms are fuller than others, but I enjoy each and every one. More pictures follow. I tried to photograph the sun behind the blooms. For some reason, the flowers appear more heavenly that way. Let me know if you can see the beauty of the plants in the photograph.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another rainy night in Georgia

I know. I know. I should be ashamed of myself. I have neglected this blog for many months now. And it has such a good purpose: What's the weather like in Douglasville? I have no excuse. I simply got caught up in the living instead of the observing of the weather and life in Douglasville, but now that I have led my husband to blogsville, I have no reason not to pursue my original intention to write each day. He is off to a fast start and leaving me in his dust or is it pollen?

Right now I am looking out of my home office window and I see darkness descending under the cover of thunder clouds. After all, it is 7:40 p.m. DST. But after all the plague of winter weather this past season, one would think and hope that thunder clouds would not be part of the weather scenery.

No matter, the neighborhood's daffodils have lightened my day several times. When I pull out of the neighborhood and when I return, I get to see their sunny, gleeful faces greeting me. And to add to the lightness, the gorgeous Bradford pear trees are blooming throughout the city. Their whiteness makes me think of angel wings and stuff.

Good night for now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Flood

I am astonished that I have no posted anything since August 23, 2009. I guess I have been busy, but that hasn't kept me from noticing all the beautiful things in Douglasville. Around the first of September I saw the occasional sumac bush turning bright red. And since then, the dogwoods in my backyard have all colored up. So Fall foliage is soon to be the seasonal flower.

Unfortunately, Douglasville had a horrendous storm last night, and much more rain today so the beautiful things are getting a bath in rain water and gloom. But you should have seen the beauty last night at the lightning illuminated the trees and yards. The colors blue and black painted the scenes in such high drama, I forgot I was afraid of a lightning strike. Fortunately, I had windows to look out. My cats weren't so lucky. I didn't get them in until the wee morning hours.

There are many businesses and schools closed in the county today because of the storm and rain. My husband just couldn't help himself. By 8:30, he was on the road looking to see what he could see. Too bad he didn't take the camera with him. I could have pictures to post.

I promise to keep updating fall foliage and the storm and the flowers.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scrubbed Air

Yesterday as we drove down the new Dorsett Shoals Road, we were treated to a view of bright green leaves and perky flowers due to the rains of the past few days. The air smelled so good my husband called it "scrubbed" air. The rain has cleansed the air of all the pollutants at least for awhile.

And today we awoke to 60 degree temperatures, very cool and refreshing after the hot muggy days of the past week. Douglasville weather has an answer for everything. Is fall so far away? I think not. I have noticed a few, a very few, turning leaves on the dogwood trees. They've turned to a bright red.

By the way, the new intersection at Dorsett Shoals and Chapel Hill Road is a job well done. Before the new road was put into place there was a very dangerous intersection at the intersection with Annewakee Road and Dorsett Shoals and Chapel Hill. But now traffic is able to zoom through safely. Chapel Hill road is being widened into four lanes as it has need to be for some time. When school began on August 6th, the traffic was maddening. One day it took me 20 minutes to move from Chapel Hill High School to the Publix Supermarket. I'm very grateful for the road construction this county is able to provide. I'm also grateful for the good weather. We're looking forward to at least three days of wonderful sunshine. Then maybe some more rain. The tomatoes and green peppers won't complain.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

I know. We need the rain. In my last blog, I stated that my rain barrel was empty. But the rain comes at an inopportune time. I must travel to Virginia, and I don't want to drive in the rain.

Outside my window, the atmosphere is gray and stormy with rain so far gently falling. Will the fall increase in power during the night? I don't know.

The rain is welcomed by everyone because it has been hot and muggy for three days at least. We want to be comfortable to get out in our yards where the flowers bloom and the greenness comforts us.

Douglasville is covered with clouds dripping water.