Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another rainy night in Georgia

I know. I know. I should be ashamed of myself. I have neglected this blog for many months now. And it has such a good purpose: What's the weather like in Douglasville? I have no excuse. I simply got caught up in the living instead of the observing of the weather and life in Douglasville, but now that I have led my husband to blogsville, I have no reason not to pursue my original intention to write each day. He is off to a fast start and leaving me in his dust or is it pollen?

Right now I am looking out of my home office window and I see darkness descending under the cover of thunder clouds. After all, it is 7:40 p.m. DST. But after all the plague of winter weather this past season, one would think and hope that thunder clouds would not be part of the weather scenery.

No matter, the neighborhood's daffodils have lightened my day several times. When I pull out of the neighborhood and when I return, I get to see their sunny, gleeful faces greeting me. And to add to the lightness, the gorgeous Bradford pear trees are blooming throughout the city. Their whiteness makes me think of angel wings and stuff.

Good night for now.

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